IDC Guide

PADI IDC and IE Quiz 6: More Dive Safety

Diving Safety Quiz

  1. What is the most important rule in scuba diving to prevent lung over-expansion injuries?
    • A) Always dive alone
    • B) Never hold your breath
    • C) Dive deep and ascend quickly
    • D) Keep dive times short
  2. What should you do if you experience nitrogen narcosis during a dive?
    • A) Continue the dive as planned
    • B) Ascend to a shallower depth
    • C) Increase your breathing rate
    • D) Use a different gas mix
  3. How often should a recreational diver perform a safety stop?
    • A) Only in emergencies
    • B) On every dive
    • C) Never, it’s unnecessary
    • D) Only on deep dives
  4. What is the primary purpose of the buddy system in diving?
    • A) To ensure someone is always there to take photos
    • B) To provide assistance in case of emergencies
    • C) To share diving equipment
    • D) To navigate underwater
  5. What is the recommended procedure if you get separated from your dive buddy?
    • A) Immediately ascend to the surface
    • B) Continue the dive alone
    • C) Search for a maximum of one minute, then ascend if not found
    • D) Wait underwater until your buddy finds you
  6. What should you do if you start to run low on air?
    • A) Increase your depth to reduce air consumption
    • B) Signal your buddy and begin a safe ascent
    • C) Hold your breath to conserve air
    • D) Swim quickly to the surface
  7. Which of these is a common sign of decompression sickness?
    • A) Increased appetite
    • B) Joint pain
    • C) Hiccups
    • D) Sneezing
  8. Before ascending, what is important to ensure regarding your BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)?
    • A) It is fully inflated
    • B) It is completely deflated
    • C) It is partially inflated
    • D) It is disconnected
  9. What is the maximum recommended ascent rate according to most dive training agencies?
    • A) 18 meters/60 feet per minute
    • B) 9 meters/30 feet per minute
    • C) 30 meters/100 feet per minute
    • D) 60 meters/200 feet per minute
  10. In case of an out-of-air situation, what is the recommended response?
    • A) Swim rapidly to the surface
    • B) Use the buddy breathing technique with your dive partner
    • C) Hold your breath and ascend
    • D) Stay calm and signal for help

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