IDC Guide

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PADI Platinum Course Directors

You have many choices when choosing a PADI Course Director to train yourself to become a Scuba Instructor, take a look within the IDC Guide to see some of the world’s best.

Here is an impressive resume of a PADI ‘Platinum’ Course Director that is also an EFR Instructor Trainer

Over 25 years ago I took my first breath underwater in Europe and since that day diving has become my passion.  Before working in diving, I was employed by the United Nations in countries such as Honduras, Mozambique, Cambodia and South Africa.

At the time, they were two things I really enjoyed: “Teaching and diving”. Certainly the best I have ever done in my life was becoming a PADI Diving Instructor. My PADI Instructor card took to marvellous places around the world, such as: Mexico, Australia, Europe, Belize, Honduras, Cayman Islands, UK, USA California, Egypt, The Philippines, Malaysia, Sipadan, Indonesia, The Maldives, Vietnam and  Thailand.

During all these years I have made contacts all over the world. These contacts are precious for the Scuba Cat IDC candidates when they are looking for a Job.

Early in 2002 I became PADI Course Director, and from that time I have concentrated on PADI Instructor Levels and supervising Professional Internship programs and in these years I received many awards from PADI. Since 2006, I have been in Thailand conducting IDCs and specialising in the English, French and German market.

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