IDC Guide


PADI are now into ‘Tec Diving’ using their DSAT affiliate company, here are some questions and answers that give you some more idea about what is required to become an Instructor Trainer for DSAT.

What is the roadmap for PADI teaching Technical diving?
Announced in late 2010, PADI Rebreather Diver, Advanced Rebreather Diver and
Tec CCR Diver courses are in development, with the first rollout scheduled for
the third quarter 2011. Subsequent courses will debut over the remainder of the year
and into 2012.

Do you  need to be a PADI Course Director to become a DSAT Instructor Trainer ? as I am interested in teaching more of the DSAT instructor program. Are there new manuals? Where can I find standards to these new programs, and exams.

In terms of an Instructor Trainer qualification for either PADI or TecRec you will need to be a PADI Course Director. If you already hold tec diving instructor trainer ratings its possible that this may not be a route you wish to follow and that this PADI rating may conflict with other agency certification you hold. This is the current requirement however this may change in the future so if you are not a Course Director I suggest you either consider becoming a Course Director or keep an open mind and monitor PADI Training Bulletins & Undersea Journals in the future for any change or requirements.

There have been some ‘selected’ people that have been included in cross over training to become DSAT Instructor Trainers.

PADI will launch recreational rebreather courses first – PADI Rebreather & Advanced Rebreather. There will be opportunities to cross over current Instructor qualifications on units that meet certain requirements (R Type). At that stage it will be recreational rebreather Instructor/Instructor cross over courses only.

Following the launch of the recreational rebreather courses PADI will follow up with the launch of the technical rebreather courses -Tec 40 CCR, Tec 60 CCR & Tec 100 CCR. This will be for units that meet the type “T” requirements. At that stage we will hold recreational & technical rebreather Instructor & Instructor cross over programs in the Asia Pacific region.

There are  details in terms of course content in the Undersea Journal so you can see what the course levels will include. I imagine at this stage most Tech Instructors would primarily be interested in teaching the technical rebreather courses -Tec 40 CCR, Tec 60 CCR & Tec 100 CCR and the recreational rebreather course.

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