Practice Exams and Revision for your PADI IDC / IE
This is the best resource to help you with Dive theory (Physics, Physiology, Equipment, RDP and General Skills & Environment) as well as the Dive Exam questions and answers to help you with your PADI IDC
Discover dive theory, practical insights, and valuable resources including mock / practice IDC and IE exams to become a better, safer Scuba Dive Instructor. Unlock your potential and thrive in your PADI IDC and IE exams and your new career.

Practice Revision Exams for your PADI IDC & IE
Help you Pass PADI IDC & IE
We want you to be the very best and safest PADI Scuba Dive Instructor you can be, but what can this website do for you?
The simple answer is that it can do a lot for you, if you want help passing your PADI Divemaster or PADI Instructor (OWSI) courses and exams, including the PADI IDC and IE we have revision packs that include past and mock dive theory and standards exam papers, to, fully prepare you.
If you are a PADI Scuba Diver or a diver from another agency that is at the grade of Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) this website can point you in the direction of some of the best, most experienced and Professional PADI Platinum Course Directors in the world. These are experienced Dive Instructor Trainers who are at the highest level of the PADI system and will help you become the best Instructor you can be when they take you on your PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC).
IDC Exam Revision
Your journey to your Instructor Development Course (IDC) and subsequent PADI Instructor Examination (IE) will become easier if you study our dive theory sections and buy the corresponding IDC revision Exams and Documents
The revision packs gives you all the dive theory and sample exam questions and answers you will need to help you progress through your PADI IDC and IE easily, making you a better and safer Instructor. But remember there is no short cuts you must learn your dive theory until you are confident enough to teach it to students.
Take a look at where you could take your PADI IDC as you can see from the course photos you can take your course in some of the best and most luxurious locations for a PADI IDC anywhere in the world.

Explore the gallery page and witness the wonders of marine life, stunning dive locations, and unforgettable moments captured by divers from around the globe, igniting your passion for the underwater realm.

PADI Course Directors
Do you think your area / region should be represented here on IDC Guide, please complete the form and we may get in touch, please be aware there is no guarentee we will feature your Dive Centre / IDCs but we would love to hear from you if you are a Platinum Course Director and love training new Instructors.