IDC Guide

Vietnam –

Jeremy Stein

Rainbow Divers with Jeremy Stein.




The Rainbow, 90A Hung Vuong Street, Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Vietnam’s top PADI CDC + IDCs: Rainbow Divers with Jeremy Stein

The longest established PADI Instructor-Training Facility in Vietnam – Take your IDC with the most experienced Instructor-Trainers in the region!

About Jeremy

One of the original PADI Platinum Course Directors in the World, Jeremy has been diving since the late 80s with over 20,000 logged dives in Vietnam, Maldives, Middle East, UK, Micronesia, Australia, California, Indonesia, Thailand, Borneo, and Malaysia.

Still actively diving and teaching all student and instructor levels, he feels that too many CD’s solely concentrate on just instructor level certifications, whereas Jeremy prefers to continue teaching all levels, including Seal Team + DSDs, to help keep his skills honed and in touch with the complete system of PADI training.

What is the philosophy of your company?

Jeremy is directly involved with the day to day running of his 6 dive centers in Vietnam. He is assisted greatly by his superb management team, most of which have come through the Rainbow Academy training facility!

Jeremy’s Diving Background

Jeremy took his Open Water course in the mid 80s in the Maldives. Later, whilst stationed in Saudi Arabia teaching the US Military Recreational Diving, he visited Vietnam for a 2 week vacation. He recognised an opportunity to establish professional diver training and recreational diving and decided immediately to stay and follow his dream! He established the 1st PADI Divecentre in Vietnam in the late 90s and now has one of the most professional dive operations in SE Asia. Rainbow Divers are now omnipresent throughout the Southern part of the country.  He carries 25 Instructor-Trainer ratings exclusively with PADI and has been team teaching over 2,000 professional level students and over 5,000 student level certifications at Rainbow Divers.

Most of the other divecentres in Vietnam are run by or employ Instructors which have been trained by Jeremy or his Pro-Team!

Jeremy is undoubtedly the most experienced Instructor teaching in Vietnam, but is the first to point out that with all DM + PADI IDC training, it’s very much a team effort! His Pro-Team Manager, Matthew Saw, focuses on the DM Trainees and then gently handles them over to Jeremy for the IDCs. Then they both work together with their colleagues to gain optimum results.

His Instructional style, definitely somewhat unique, has developed over the last 10 years by team teaching closely with other top CDs in SE Asia.

Jeremy’s teaching experience is invaluable for every PADI Course, not just IDCs. But it’s in the IDCs where the candidates learn ‘real-life’ applications, not just how to pass the IE.

The majority of the Rainbow IDC candidates pass with scores between 4 and 5 and are more than ready to take their place in the instructor community. Rainbow Divers don’t look to teach a high number of Instructors, just high quality! IDCs followed by IEs are held 4 times each year.

With over 20,000 dives, 30 years experience, 5,000+ student level certifications and over 2,000 Instructor-level certifications, Jeremy is regarded as the consummate dive professional throughout the Diving Industry.

Why should you take your IDC with Jeremy and the Rainbow Pro-Team?

Jeremy prefers to run his IDC’s over a longer period and includes 6 KD presentations, 6 confined presentations and 6 open water presentations instead of minimums. This is to fine tune his candidates always aiming towards that perfect score of 5, as opposed to the base line passing score of 3.4 or 3.5. Jeremy knows that this extra time and effort produces more rounded Instructors with better skills and knowledge of the dive industry than your average new OWSI. Jeremy will always call on his fellow Instructor-Trainers when necessary, to change his schedule so he or they can prescriptively teach candidates in areas that he feels need strengthening and  will always schedule an extra 1 or 2 days at the end of his IDCs to work on  candidates’ weaknesses, again to prepare them for the real world.

IDC’s with Jeremy are extended and can sometimes be intense for candidates, however he always keeps them light hearted but serious. His IDC’s are individually named and the name usually derives from something amusing or stupid that has been said or done during the training.

Has anything funny happened during your IDC courses?

Despite the seriousness of an IDC, humour is essential. Laughing with each other is an integral part of all Rainbow IDCs. This is accentuated when there are multi Nationalities with differing levels of English language taking the IDC. Simple mispronunciations or a misplaced word can easily cause uncontrollable hysterics; much needed stress relievers! Jeremy’s renowned ‘English Humour’ can always dissipate any stressful situation!

Jeremy prides himself, and some would call it an obsession, on whatever course, entry level or professional level, whatever student or candidate, whatever learning difficulty or disability, he will never give up and will always strive to produce a higher level. Basically if he starts something he finishes it, no matter how long it takes.

What do his IDC students think of Jeremy?

Hmmmm, well there’s plenty of them worldwide running and managing Dive Centres; best to ask them!

What else do you like (not diving related)?

When Jeremy is not working in Saigon, or traveling to each of his divecentres (chance would be a fine thing!) he helps his wife Caroline raise their young son, Jacques-Yves (name sound familiar?). He enjoys playing Cricket and is a member of the English Cricket of Saigon. English Beers + Ciders, Fine Wines, good Food + great Company are also amongst his passions!

Jeremy loves being a PADI Course Director but is fully aware that without the support of the entire Rainbow Dive-Team, he would have never have been able to capitalize on the initial opportunity, The dream, and is always grateful to those who helped him and Rainbow Divers succeed.

What does the future hold for you?

On the whole, Jeremy his happy and contented with his life, currently based in Saigon. He has good friends around him, a great dive operation, a lovely environment to work in, gorgeous wife and 2 wonderful sons. Jeremy feels that he will always be based in Vietnam as it is home for him and he wants to continue to spend the extra time and effort into further training locals to continue their education correctly. The Vietnamese really do respect anybody that can do this for them and it is a nice feeling to have.

There are still plenty of opportunities available throughout Vietnam for Diving! Watch the Rainbow Divers website for updates!

Click on the photo to the right to view a photo gallery from a recent IDC class

Where are we?

IDC Address Vietnam HQ: The Rainbow, 90A Hung Vuong Street, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Also in Saigon, Phu Quoc, Con Dao + Whale Island.



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