IDC Guide

PADI elearning

PADI’s elearning has not taken off as much as I expected and have been hearing that one student every few months is about average, I expect elearning numbers to improve over time as people learn about it and become more confident with online transactions.

This is the email that PADI sent to the selected dive center once the student has registered with you, in this example is a Divemaster

Congratulations – you have a new PADI Divemaster Online eLearning student!
Congratulations – you have a new student diver!

DMT / Student Name
DMT Address
DMT email address

The DMT has just registered to complete the PADI Divemaster Online through your facility. Please contact and welcome [student name] as soon as possible and schedule their PADI Divemaster training dives (if they’re going to be completed).

Be sure to set up an appointment for [student name] visit [dive centre] in the near future. Use this as an opportunity for them to meet you and/or purchase any equipment needed for the course or future dive trip. You don’t have to wait until they complete the online portion of the course before getting in touch.

Invite [Divemaster trainee] to contact [dive centre] regarding any questions about the course content, materials, requirements, equipment or anything about diving.

PADI International Retail and Resort Association

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