IDC Guide


PADI Course Director 




PADI Course Director – Mexico.


Take your IDC  in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Why Mexico

Wow! Mexico really does have it all when it comes to scuba. The diving here is diverse, with Bull Sharks visiting Playa in the winter months, beautiful warm waters and coral reefs, plus the marine reserve of Cozumel offering breathtaking sealife and drift dives. And of course the area is famous for its unique cenotes – fresh water sinkholes in the middle of the jungle. You’ll get to experience these amazing places during your IDC.


Some of the Course Directors in Mexico have over 3000 PADI certifcations with more than 2000 of those at professional-level, making the Course Directors in Mexico some of the most experienced and respected Course Directors around.

Some Course Directors are also a TecRec and Trimix Instructor Trainer, Full Cave Instructor Trainer, and also Instructor Trainer for Disabled Divers International (DDI).

They are all passionate about their work with disabled scuba divers and is able to teach Divemasters and Instructors to become DDI Pro Trainers.

Course Director’s Background

Grew up in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain and worked as a mountain guide and ski instructor before starting his own adventure sports company. But after a few years building up the company he sold the business and went travelling. While in Thailand he fell in love with scuba diving and saw this as the perfect challenge for him – to work his way around the world doing something he loved.

He has worked and dived in more than ten countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, Honduras, Curacao, UK, Spain, Galapagos as well as Mexico.

Loves teaching IDCs but realizes the importance of teaching diving to “real” students too and continues to teach a range of PADI courses including Tec, Cave, Sidemount as well as Divemasters.

Speaks Spanish, English and French fluently and has conducted multi-lingual IDCs since becoming a Course Director in 2007.

What is the philosophy of your company?

We hope to lead by example and have never lost the passion for teaching. Our goal is to ensure that our new instructors receive more than just a certification. We believe that with in-depth training and personal one-to-one feedback, we train the very best instructors possible.
Our IDCs include are 14 days and workshops in knot-tying, lift bag exercises, CESAs, rescue skills and descents, as well as a 2-day program devoted to dive theory.

We finish our IDCs by holding a two-day “mock” IE which includes all the components of the actual Instructor Exams to ensure the readiness of our candidates.

Quality is of utmost importance to The GoPro Family and we strive to exceed our candidates’ expectations on every IDC.

“We feel a personal responsibility to the future students of our IDC candidates to create not just successful instructors, but the best instructors in every way” 

Has anything funny happened during your IDC courses?

I remember when we were teaching an IDC in the Galapagos Islands and one candidate couldn’t stop giggling during her mock rescue demonstration. The reason was that there was a sea lion nibbling at her fins that wouldn’t let her go! Sea lions were often additional guests in open water presentations there. Now here in Mexico we hope for a Bull Shark encounter instead!

What is the reason PADI Divemasters should take their IDC with you?

Our Mexico Platinum Course Directors usually have over 20 years’ experience of running IDCs and nearly 30 years’ experience of teaching scuba diving .  Most of the teaching is given by them during the course and so you benefit from their experience both in the classroom and in the water, with the tips and advice that they give to you.

One of only a few Course Directors worldwide who has been awarded the highest Platinum status by PADI since becoming a Course Director in 2007. 

Consistency and Value.  The Course Directors will be in charge of your IDC from start to finish. They have ample time to work on each candidate’s own strengths and weaknessnes, thus ensuring that any weaknesses are gone before the end of the IDC.

Opportunities. If you will be looking for work as an Instructor after your IDC, you couldn’t be better placed. With literally hundreds of dive shops in this area of Mexico, you have plenty of job opportunities. The Mayan Riviera is busy year-round with divers and those wanting to give it a try, making it a great place if you want to get lots of teaching experience.

The Dive Centre team have lots of contacts in the area and elsewhere in the Caribbean meaning they can give you advice and assistance in your search for the perfect career choice.

There is also the option to maximise your learning and experience after the IDC by taking the MSDT Prep Program which includes five specialty instructor training courses to enable you to teach more courses.


Support. Our help doesn’t end once you pass your IE. The PADI Dive Centre will give you help and advice on how to prepare an attention-grabbing CV and what potential employers are really looking for in an instructor. The  have lots of contacts who get in touch when they need new instructor staff, meaning we can give you assistance in your search for the perfect career choice. Even once you get yourself a job, they offer ongoing support and advice to all their candidates, wherever they are in the world. Many come back to continue their education with us!

What are your personal diving obsessions?

As an active cave diver he likes to spend much of his free time in the caves of the Yucatan peninsula. “I’m so lucky having such a unique underwater environment on my doorstep!” In her spare time they like diving in the cenotes, but freediving is her thing. “

What else do you like (non-diving)?

Anything outdoors, loving family camping trips in Mexico and abroad.

Why do you love being a PADI Course Director in Mexico?

 I love getting the messages from Instructors who did their IDC with me – sometimes years later – who take the time to write to me to tell me about their teaching experiences and how what they learnt from us during their IDC really helped them. That always leaves me with a warm feeling inside!

People ask me if I get bored teaching IDCs, but its quite the opposite. Every course is different, with different personalities and different challenges. Its so nice to see our candidates develop and improve during their IDC and I feel very proud to see them do so well in their diving careers afterwards.

What does the future hold for you?

Happy to call this part of Mexico his home,  plans to develop the IDCs and professional-level courses. Focusing on the Tec, Cave and Disabled Divers courses which are so valuable to Pro divers, and plans to offer freediving courses. “We never stop learning and are always looking for ways to improve our Pro courses, to give our new Instructors the best start to their diving careers.”

What do your IDC candidates think of you?

“extremely dedicated and passionate about their work and it shows by the amount of time and effort they put into every student. The quality of training far exceeded my expectations and has truly prepared me for my future in diving. I admire this team for their level of experience, diving knowledge, and how hard they work. Overall an excellent experience!!”


Do you have any advice to someone choosing their IDC centre?

Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up. PADI’s revised IDC is a much-improved curriculum which also includes some eLearning to be completed before the IDC starts. Once you choose your IDC centre and sign up you can have access to all your digital materials and start your eLearning.

Also, don’t be shy to ask to meet with the Course Director(s), in person or via WhatsApp/Skype, to get to know them and ask questions. You’re making an important decision and not all IDC centres are created equal.



Click on the photo to the right to view a photo gallery from a recent IDC class.


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