IDC Guide

Dive Standards

Practice Exam C

Instructor Development Course – IDC Standards Practice Exam C

If you find this Standards Practice Exam interesting and helpful to your IDC Revision / Studies, and we are sure you will, you will be glad to hear that you can buy the full Exam Pack that includes 10 Standards and Dive Theory Practice exams plus a bonus 75 question Pre-IDC Exam paper with answer keys.

Please click the link and BUY all 3 complete IDC revision packs that includes lots of revision documents and 11 practice exams, the exams include all the questions and answers you will need to revise to PASS the PADI IDC

Use PADI’s Guide to Teaching to answer the following questions:

1) True or False. PADI Five Star Dive Center membership is awarded, on an annual basis, to progressive PADI Dive Centers that provide a full range of PADI diver education programs, equipment selection and experience opportunities, while actively promoting aquatic environmental awareness.

2) True or False. A PADI Five Star Dive Resort offers PADI instructor-level training. Five Star Centres have at least one PADI Course Director on staff and are committed to offering instructor development programs and continuing education opportunities to dive professionals.

3) True or False. The 4 most important reasons for employing good risk management practices include: Striving to keep divers safe, providing liability protection, maintaining the availability of insurance and maintaining public relations and image control.

4) The purpose of PADI’s Quality Management, Assurance and Recognition process is:

a. To preserve the high level of customer satisfaction achieved by PADI members.
b. To recognize members for the superior service they provide their customers.
c. To ensure that all PADI members understand the importance of using PADI’s educational system and are aware of their responsibility to adhere to PADI Standards.
d. All of the above.

5) True or False. Standards require you to submit the PIC within seven days of certification unless the delay is caused by the student. If you are unable to obtain a photo of the student diver in that time, you can submit the PIC without the photo and your PADI Office will store the diver’s certification information in its database; however, a card will not be issued until the office receives a photo. This allows you to receive credit for the certification, and allows your PADI Office to confirm the certification via Dive Chek. If your student diver later requests a card and submits a photo, the card will be issued and the diver will be charged the replacement card fee for this service.

6) True or False. If a student diver has a learning disability and needs special accommodations, ask for a letter from a credentialed health care practitioner (medical doctor, psychologist, etc.) stating that the diver has been diagnosed with a learning disability. It is recommended that you keep the letter in the student diver’s record file.

Use PADI’s Instructor Manual to answer the following questions:

7) True or False. As a PADI Member you agree to put the safety of diving clients and students as your first priority and responsibility. In doing so, abide by the requirements and intent of PADI Standards and Procedures in the PADI Instructor Manual, PADI’s Guide to Teaching, Training Bulletin and other updates while applying your best judgment during the PADI courses and programs you conduct.

8) PADI Members who are in Non-Teaching Status:

a. Are not authorized to teach PADI courses or certify students as PADI Divers.
b. Continue to receive membership benefits such as the Undersea Journal.
c. May not act as certified assistants.
d. All of the above.

9) Certification dives and subsequent supervised dives with 10 and 11-year olds must not exceed:

a. 8 metres.
b. 12 metres.
c. 18 metres.
d. 21 metres.

10) True or False. If you conduct confined water training sessions in a confined open water area, the confined water sessions cannot be combined with open water training dives. After a confined water session, student divers must leave the water and remove their equipment before beginning any open water training dive activities. An exception is PADI Discover Scuba Diving participants and PADI Scuba Diver/Open Water Diver students may progress directly from Confined Water Dive 1 to Open Water Dive 1 without exiting the water.

11) True or False. When assessing open water dive readiness for continuing education courses and Open Water Diver referrals, in preparation for the dive and before beginning open water dive skills, assess the diver’s skills and comfort level in-water and generally assess dive knowledge. If the diver exhibits lack of dive readiness, remediate before training progresses.
Recent dive experience with the diver is acceptable as a screen if you are confident in the diver’s current knowledge level, in-water skills and comfort.

12) Direct Supervision means that a Teaching status PADI Instructor must personally observe and evaluate student diver ability to perform skills and understand theoretical knowledge. This responsibility must not be delegated to certified assistants except when:
a. Certified assistants supervising student divers during surface swims to and from the entry-exit point and during navigational exercises, as well as when remaining with the class when the instructor conducts a skill such as an ascent or descent with a student or student team. Or when guiding student divers on Dives 2-4 when exploring the dive site.
b. Assistant Instructors evaluating dive flexible skills at the surface in open water and conducting air pressure checks underwater.
c. Both a and b are correct.
d. There are no exceptions.

13) True or False. At the beginning of any course (and before any in-water activities), have student divers review, complete and sign: 1) The PADI Release of Liability/Assumption of Risk/Non-agency Acknowledgment Form – General Training or PADI Statement of Risk and Liability/Non-agency Acknowledgment Form – General Training, EU Version 2) The PADI Standard Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding. 3) The PADI Medical Statement (RSTC Medical form).

14) Maintain training completion records for each student diver/participant for _____ or longer (as required locally).

a. 12 months
b. 3 years
c. 7 years
d. 10 years

15) True or False. To request permission to deviate from a PADI Standard, submit a written request to your PADI Office including a specific description of the situation and rationale for the exception or deviation. If approved, your PADI Office will issue a standards waiver that is granted only to you (the individual member) and is valid for one year. Reapply annually to extend the waiver.

16) True or False. Issue certification if the student diver has met course requirements and any agreed-upon financial arrangements. Do not withhold a certification as a means of settling personal disputes.

17) True or False. A “yes” response on the PADI Medical Statement’s “Divers Medical Questionnaire” section requires written clearance to dive from a physician as a prerequisite to in-water activities.

18) Teaching status PADI Assistant Instructors, Open Water Scuba Instructors and Instructors with a higher rating are authorized to conduct:
a. Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Diver Course.
b. Project AWARE Specialty Course.
c. Coral Reef Conservation Specialty Course.
d. All of the above.

19) To apply for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating, an instructor must:
a. Be a PADI Instructor.
b. Have 5 PADI Specialty Instructor ratings.
c. Have issued at least 25 PADI certifications. No more than five of the 25 certifications may be from courses without dives. No more than five PADI Seal Team or Master Seal Team registrations.
d. All of the above.

20) True or False. Alumni Status is for PADI Members in good standing who are “retiring” and no longer plan to teach PADI courses or actively supervising divers. Alumni Status members are not authorized to teach, supervise or certify PADI Divers, however, do continue to receive limited membership benefits, and may represent themselves as PADI Members.

21) The minimum age for a PADI Junior Scuba Diver certification is:

a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 15

22) True or False. A diver with a PADI Scuba Diver certification must dive under the direct supervision of a PADI Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Instructor to a maximum depth of 12 metres/40 feet. They are not qualified for independent diving.

23) The minimum age to obtain the PADI Junior Open Water Diver Certification is :
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 15

24) PADI Scuba Divers can upgrade their certification to Open Water by completing the balance of the Open Water Diver Course, including:

a. Knowledge Development 4-5 including Quiz 4 and the Final Exam.
b. Confined Water Dives 4-5 and all remaining Dive Flexible Skills.
c. Open Water Dives 3- 4, and all remaining Dive Flexible Skills.
d. All of the above.

25) True or False. PADI Scuba Divers can upgrade to Open Water Divers any time (no time limit) using procedures similar to accepting a referred entry-level student diver.

26) True or False. When a Teaching status PADI Instructor conducts AquaMissions 1-5, or assesses skill mastery during AquaMission 5 – PADI Seal Team Skill Circuit, then PADI Seal Team members may get credit for completing Open Water Diver course Confined Water Dive 1. This link is valid for 12 months from the last AquaMission.

27) A Student Diver has completed a Continuing Education Administrative Document within the last 12 months.
An instructor can enroll that student on which courses without the need for additional forms?

a. Advanced Open Water Course.
b. Specialty Courses.
c. Divemaster course.
d. Both a and b are correct.

28) To participate in the Adventure Diver programme, a 10 year old PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver may participate in which Adventure Dives?
a. Fish Identification.
b. Peak Performance Buoyancy.
c. Dry Suit.
d. All of the above.

29) True or False. An Adventure Dive completed on the same day as Open Water Diver Course Dive 4 is covered
by the Open Water Diver Course documentation. Therefore, student divers do not need to review, complete and sign a new PADI Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement, PADI Standard Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding or PADI Medical Statement (RSTC Medical form)

30) True or False. The minimum age to qualify as a PADI Junior Advanced Open Water Diver is 10 years old.

31) True or False. Rescue Diver certification requirements state that student divers must demonstrate skills from Rescue Exercises 1-10 in open water. You may introduce and practice the rescue exercises first in confined water.

32) True or False. A PADI Divemaster is assisting on a course. As they have a whistle attached to their inflator hose, they do not need any other signalling devices.

33) True or False. PADI Divemasters in Active status may independently conduct PADI Discover Scuba Diving programs in a pool or in confined open water. If qualified as a Discover Scuba Diving Leader.

34) True or False. The Discover Scuba Diving Internship includes conducting five separate real (not simulated) Discover Scuba Diving pool or confined water experiences under the direct supervision and guidance of a PADI Instructor.

35) True or False. To submit an application for the PADI (Junior) Master Scuba Diver rating, an individual must be at least 10 years old, be certified as a PADI (Junior) Advanced Open Water Diver and a PADI (Junior) Rescue Diver, and have certification in five PADI Specialty or TecRec courses and show proof of 50 logged dives.

36) True or False. The Master Scuba Diver rating is the highest recreational diver rating in the PADI program, and denotes a diver with superior experience and achievement.

37) During the Deep Adventure Dive the maximum student diver-to-instructor ratio for open water training dives is:

a. 6:1
b. 8:1
c. 10:1
d. 12:1

38) True or False. You may conduct the PADI Deep Dive Course concurrently with the PADI Open Water Diver Course.

39) True or False. Dive 1 of a PADI Specialty Diver Course credits toward the related Adventure Dive in the Advanced Open Water program if the diver has completed the relevant knowledge review (or vice versa). The exception is the Digital Underwater Photography Specialty. Dive 1 may credit as an adventure dive only if it is conducted using scuba equipment in open water. If not then credit Digital Underwater Photography Dive 2.

40) True or False. Orient divers to dry suit use in confined water before they use them for the first time in open water.

41) When conducting the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course concurrently with the PADI Open Water Diver Course you must:

a. Ensure knowledge development for Peak Performance Buoyancy is completed any time during the Open Water course.
b. Conduct Peak Performance Buoyancy Dive 1 skills any time during Dive 2, 3 and 4.
c. Conduct another dive beyond the Open Water Course dives to complete Peak Performance Buoyancy Dive 2 skills.
d. All of the above.

42) True or False. PADI Assistant Instructors are authorized to teach and certify Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Divers under the direction of a PADI Instructor. The PADI Instructor must co-sign the student diver log books and Training Record form after verifying that all performance requirements are met.

43) The minimum age to enroll in a PADI Underwater Navigator Adventure Dive is:
a. 15
b. 12
c. 10
d. 8

44) True or False. An Instructor who is conducting a PADI Deep Adventure Dive who does not have recent dive experience with the diver, should, in preparation for the dive, generally assess diver knowledge, and, before going to depth in open water, evaluate the diver in-water for prerequisite skills needed to complete the dive.

45) Who can enroll in the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Instructor course?

a. A PADI Divemaster.
b. A PADI Assistant Instructor.
c. A PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor.
d. All of the above.

46) The recommended depth for the PADI Delayed Surface Marker Buoy is:

a. 5 metres
b. 9-12 metres
c. 18 metresd
d. 30 metres

47) True or False. The PADI Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) may be conducted concurrently with the PADI Open Water course, if the PADI Instructor holds the Specialty Instructor rating for DSMB.

48) True or False. During the PADI Wreck Adventure Dive the maximum ratio is eight divers per instructor (8:1) or a certified assistant may supervise divers at a maximum ratio of 4:1.

49) When conducting the PADI Bubblemaker program, which of the following ratios apply:

a. Pool – participant to Instructor: 6:1
b. Pool – participant to Assistant Instructor: 4:1
c. Confined open water – participant to Instructor: 4:1 Two additional participants allowed with one or more certified assistants, Maximum six participants. Participant to Assistant Instructor: 4:1
d. All of the above.

50) True or False. PADI Seal Team dives can only be conducted in a swimming pool.

Now you have looked at these questions – really recommend you get all the exams to check / revise from to help you pass your PADI IDC / IE.

The fact you have got to the bottom of the page we will assume you have found this a very valuable and helpful resource for your IDC Revision / Studies, therefore, you will be glad to hear that you can buy the full Exam Pack that includes 10 Standards and Dive Theory Practice exams plus a bonus 75 question Pre-IDC Exam paper with answer keys.

Please click the link and BUY all 3 complete IDC revision packs that includes lots of revision documents and 11 practice exams, the exams include all the questions and answers you will need to revise to PASS the PADI IDC

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