IDC Guide

Dive Center Newsletters

Most dive centers have a website now but to draw people back to the dive center using the website and ex-customers (students and divers) email addresses you should keep in touch with a regular newsletter, the example below is a good example of what can be sent out to your scuba divers.

Newsletter January

Lets all get very wet this year! First of all can we just remind all Club members that if you have not already paid your membership fee for 2011 it is now due. The good news is that those of you who have already paid in December have been entered into the prize draw which will be drawn on the 4th January 2011.

The first pool night of 2011 will be on the 4rd February so for all of you who are on the Egypt trip it will be a good opportunity to test out all your kit and configurations before we leave on the following Friday (11th February, with dry kit!) and check you’ve got everything.

The first Club night of 2011 will be slightly different as the last one was a bit crowded. We are holding it at the Dive center because we have been lucky enough to secure a representative to come along and talk about dry suits and demonstrate the range and types that are available. If you want to dive year round then dry suits are what you need to think about. We will be doing a special offers on the night in conjunction with Northern Diver for any suits ordered.

We have also arranged to get a videographer when we are in Egypt for when we’ve dived over there so if you are coming to Egypt come along and get a taste of what we’ll see and meet the rest of the party that are going on the trip.
As usual there will be free food and drink so put the date and time in your diary (7.30pm on Monday 7th February). Please let us know if you’re coming so we can make sure that we don’t run out of food or drink!

Dive Trips for 2011
As well as Egypt we have a number of planned trips so far

10th April 2011 – Full
26th June 2011 – Full
7th August 2011 – 5 places left
18th September – 1 place left
Deposits will be collected about 2 months before so put your name down in case anyone drops out.
We will also be organising some shore diving trips to North Wales over the season, details to follow.

Some of you will remember our meeting about the Red Sea wrecks earlier this year. We have decided to put together a Northern Red Sea Wrecks trip in November for us. Watch the web site for details in late January.

South Africa
By the end of January we will be organising a trip to participate in the famous Sardine Run in June 2011 which will involve some pretty exciting diving as well as seeing the real South Africa. Again watch the web site for details.

Other Diving Trips
Silfra in Iceland (as recommended by Karl Pickles) in May is a provisional trip. If you’re interested let us know. If you want to know what’s special about Silfra just type it into Google and read on.

We are running the usual Open Water and Advanced Open water throughout the year but for those of you who are heading off to sunnier climes where 32% EaNX is free we are running a Nitrox course on Saturday 29th January here at the shop. The cost is £99 (£89 for Members) and it also counts as a diving speciality towards the Master Scuba Diver rating. The joy of Nitrox is obviously that because there is less Nitrogen in your breathing gas you can dive for longer and feel fresher at the end of the day and if you are going to Egypt or Thailand then the diving operations will supply you with 32% nitrox at no extra charge.

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